Are you taking a STANAG Level 3 exam in Poland soon?


Would you like to receive expert guidance and feedback?


Do you have doubts about what you do right and wrong?


My name is Małgorzata Mazurek. I’m the author of the Speaking and Writing Expert book for STANAG 6001 LEVEL 3 writing and speaking in English and two ebooks about L3 writing, as well as the blog about STANAG 6001 exams.

I’ve been teaching for STANAG 6001 exams for over 15 years, and now I’m inviting you to learn with me online! 

I’m inviting you to join my group workshop starting in September!

WE START on 4 September 2022 and finish on 04 October 2022


Meeting dates:

Meeting 1 –  04 September 2023

Meeting 2 –  06 September 2023

Meeting 3 – 11 September 2023

Meeting 4 –  13 September 2023

Meeting 5 – 18 September 2023

Meeting 6 – 20 September 2023

Meeting 7 –  25 September 2023

Meeting 8 – 27 September 2023

Meeting 9 – 02 October 2023

Meeting 10 – 04 October 2023

Meeting times: 

We’ll meet on Zoom twice a week on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 6.30 to 8.00 p.m CET (GMT+2)


STANAG 6001 Level 3

Speaking and Writing Workshop ONLINE in SEPTEMBER 2023


JOIN THE WORKSHOP NOW and get instant access to ebooks and course materials.

We start in








16 texts to write and receive feedback

You’ll write 16 exam texts and receive individual feedback from me in writing.

5-Week Online Programme

For over a month, we’ll meet on Zoom twice a week for 90 minutes.

10 live sessions

In 10 live sessions, we’ll meet in a small group (8 people) to discuss your writing. In this way, you’ll be able to learn from each other’s mistakes.


Course Description

Live sessions twice a week

We’ll meet on Zoom twice a week on Mondays and Wednesdays from 6.30 to 8.00 p.m CET (GMT+2) for 5 weeks (10 sessions).

In the live meetings, we’ll be able to meet each other, ask and answer questions. I’ll also set and explain the  writing tasks.


Live feedback

In live sessions, I’ll give feedback about your work. In this way, you’ll be able to see on real life examples the good practice of STANAG 6001 level 3 writing, as well as learn from each other’s mistakes.

Homework and individual feedback

I’ll ask you to write 16 exam texts, check them and give you individual feedback in writing, if you send in the work within a set time limit.

You’ll be able to ask questions during the live sessions on Zoom.


Join Today and get instant access to all course materials and 2 ebooks!

Join now to save your place in the group.



Important Information

Course programme


Course programme covers all the speaking and writing tasks of the “Polish” STANAG 6001 Level 3.


  • Formal letters and e-mails – letter asking for and giving information, letter asking for and giving advice, letter of complaint, letter of invitation, letter accepting and refusing invitation, letter of application.
  • Memorandum
  • Report


  • Briefing
  • Discussion



To be able to participate in the course, you should have passed at least a STANAG 6001 LEVEL 2 (SLP 2222) or have an equivalent level of English command (preferably ~B2).

 Before the first meeting you’ll be asked to write a paragraph on a given topic.

There won’t be a placement test, but this level of English is necessary for you to be able to participate and take advantage of the course, as it will be conducted only in English.

It is not a language course in a traditional sense, but a course in writing in English. That is why you need a certain level of language proficiency to attend it.



The cost of the programme includes 15 hours of online sessions worth 1190 PLN, plus individual written feedback of your texts is worth another 400 PLN. Additionally, every participant will receive copies of my two ebooks (79 PLN). So, in total, the price of the course amounts to 1679 PLN.

However, you can join the workshop for 1190 PLN, which means you invest only 60 PLN for every 45-minute session in a small group.


To be able to fully parcipate and take full advantage of the course, you’ll need to write two texts a week and participate in online sessions for live feedback.

It’s essential to write the assigned homework and submit the texts within the set deadlines.

It’ll be very intensive work, so if you know you cannot keep up with this pace, don’t enroll.

Texts sent in late won’t be checked, and if you cannot participate in an online session, it won’t be recorded.



Why Learn With Me?


Over 15 years of experience in the area of STANAG 6001 exams

For over 10 years, I’ve worked as a teacher preparing military students for STANAG 6001 exams in a military institution.


Author of books and materials for STANAG 6001 exams in English.

I wrote and self-published a book dedicated to STANAG 6001 exams in speaking and writing as well as two ebooks dedicated to writing for SLP 3 based on my experience in teaching military students preparing for NATO exams in English. 



I’ve been writing a blog about STANAG 6001 exams since 2017. You can get a lot of quality information there for free.


Unique approach

Apart from being a language teacher and STANAG 6001 examiner, I’m also a coach.

I believe that building on your strengths is the most effective way of learning, and that you are the expert in knowing how you learn best.

I believe that, with my guidance, you can become a writing expert and a true StanagExpert.

Learn From Home

Online Learning 

The programme is fully run online.

The sessions will take place on Zoom, so you should ensure a stable Internet connection.

You’ll also need a scanning application on your phone or a scanner if you are planning take the exam in Poland where it is written with pen and paper. I’ll ask you to scan your handwritten texts and send them in an electronic form.



 What My Students Say

Przez blisko 6 miesięcy współpracowałem z Panią Małgorzatą w zakresie egzaminu STANAG poziom 3- writing. W mojej ocenie, każdy otrzymany feedback po napisaniu zadanych prac był rzeczowy i jasny.
Co więcej nie skupiał się wyłącznie na realizacji wymogów
egzaminacyjnych ale i na ogólnej nauce języka angielskiego. Z pewnością to dzięki tej współpracy, zdałem egzamin z dobrym wynikiem. Gorąco polecam wszystkim przygotowującym się do egzaminu STANAG 3.

Tomasz B, Polish Armed Forces


For 6 months, I worked with Małgorzata on STANAG 6001 level 3 writing. In my view, every feedback I received after writing the designated texts was to-the-point and clear. What is more, it focused not only on the exam requirements, but also on learning English in general. Surely, this is thanks to this cooperation that I passed my exam with a good result. I can sincerely recommend (Malgorzata’s services) to anybody preparing for a STANAG 3 exam.

Miałem to szczęście i przyjemność, że na mojej drodze do nauki zaawansowanego poziomu jeżyka angielskiego pojawiła się Pani Małgosia. Dlatego, zdecydowanie rekomenduję kursy/szkolenia/materiały edukacyjne związane z tą wspaniałą osobą oraz wykwalifikowaną nauczycielką. Kurs pisania który odbyłem był przeprowadzony w sposób profesjonalny. Forma prowadzenia zajęć z wykorzystaniem praktycznych przykładów i ćwiczeń, pozwoliła na łatwiejsze przyswojenie wiedzy. Wszelkie problemy oraz informacje podczas nauki pisania były zawsze przekazywane w bardzo logiczny i ciekawy sposób. Zrealizowany kurs charakteryzował się wysokim poziomem merytorycznym oraz przyjemną atmosferą. Pani Małgosia jest zawsze niesamowicie przygotowana do zajęć, i z łatwością jest w stanie zmotywować każdego do nauki. Wyrazy uznania należą się także za dyspozycyjność oraz profesjonalną koordynację zajęć Pani Małgosi podczas kursu. Mam nadzieję na dalszą współpracę.                                                   ppor. Damian STORMAN, Polish Armed Forces


I recommend the course for everyone who would like to prepare for a STANAG 6001 level 3 exam. You can’t go wrong with this class taught by Małgorzata Mazurek – a skilled teacher that has plenty to offer. The course teaches you various tips and tricks and provides valuable materials and samples that are in a form of a well-organized toolkit. Together with purchasing the book Speaking and writing expert, I felt more confident and passed my STANAG L3 exam.                                                   

Jitka Vonešová, MA from The Czech Republic


I was fortunate and had a pleasure to meet Malgorzata on my path to learning English at an advanced level. Therefore, I sincerely recommend courses, trainings, materials associated with this wonderful person and qualified teacher. The writing course I participated in was professionally conducted. The form of training, with the use of practical examples and exercises, allowed me to learn easier. Any issues and information during the writing training were presented in a logical and interesting way. The course was characterised by high quality content and pleasant atmosphere. Malgorzata is always carefully prepared and can easily motivate anybody to learn. She deserves a special credit for flexibility and professional coordination of  the training. I hope to continue this cooperation.


Frequently Asked Questions

Will the sessions be recorded?

The sessions won’t be recorded due to the fact that participants work will be presented and for everyone’s comfort I recommend participating with your camera on. That is why the content of the sessions is confidential and won’t be recorded

What if I miss an online session?

Before you enrol, make sure the session days and times are convenient to you. It is not possible to reschedule the sessions so make sure you can participate, as your missed sessions won’t be refunded.

What if I don't do homework?

Make sure you can work intensively for the upcoming 8 weeks and be able to write two texts a week. Writing your homework is essential for your progress. The texts sent after deadline won’t be corrected and you won’t receive feedback. You can still attend the session and listen to others’ feedback.

How can I pay?

You can pay by a bank transfer if you are paying in PLN or by credit/debit card. For transfers from other currency accounts, you can use PayPal. 

Do you guarantee that I will pass my exam after the course?

Passing the exam depends on many factors, beginning with your initial level of English and ending with your disposition during the exam.

I’m offering my best experience as a teacher and examiner, but I cannot guarantee your exam result.

Book A Course Today!

The nearest edition starts on 4 September 2023.

The number of places is limited to 8.

Join now or register to receive information of the next edition.

Join the September GROUP

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Check the


and work in your own pace!


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