stanag expert writing 3 toolkit –
The e-book collects in one place all the necessary information about the STANAG 6001 LEVEL 3 WRITING. It presents all the issues in a thorough but concise and simple way, where possible in the form of tables. It’s a great tool for revision as well as learning all necessary information from scratch.
About The e-Book
The TOOLKIT is an e-book in accordance with the STANAG 6001.
Your step-by-step way to STANAG 6001 level 3 writing.
All you’ve always wanted to know about STANAG 6001 level 3 letters/e-mails, memos and reports.
It contains fill-in templates and guides you step-by-step through the structure of every paragraph in an e-mail/letter, memo or report.
How does the ebook differ from the “How to Pass STANAG 6001 English Exam. Level 3” book?
The StanagExpert Writing 3 Toolkit supplements the book. It contains new topics, a new letter, memo and report (full text).
It contains templates with fill-in opening, body and closing sentences for every paragraph of a letter/e-mail, memo and report.
It’s dedicated only to level 3 writing.
What if already have the “How to Pass STANAG 6001 English Exam. Level 3” book?
The StanagExpert Writing 3 Toolkit is for you if you want a collection of ready to use templates, fill-in sentences as well as new, up-to-date exam topics. If you have the book, you know it contains models and exercises in speaking and writing. The toolkit focuses specifically on writing and guides you step by step through every paragraph of a letter/e-mail, memo and report.
Concise and simple.
All necessary info in one place.
Fill-in templates.
Collection of lists and tables.
What’s inside
letter, memo and report templates
Different functions
- complaining,
- asking for information,
- reccommending,
- comparing, and more
100+ formal equivalents of common words
100 linking words + example sentences
self-editing checklist
opening, body and closing sentences for different paragraphs
- letter, memo, and report
- 3 sample paragraphs
30 exam topics
+ a sample exam set
You will learn:
- the exam format (time limit, types of tasks, number of words and points);
- marking criteria (what it takes for a text to be positively and negatively assessed);
- formal vs informal style differences (with examples);
- formal equivalents of common words (a table with 100+ items);
- an extensive list of linking words (100), with their functions (11) and example sentences;
- how to structure a paragraph, with sample paragraphs from an e-mail/letter, memo, and report;
- how to write e-mails/letters, memos and reports;
- how to check your own writing with the editing guide in the form of a checklist;
About the author.
My name’s Małgorzata Mazurek and I create StanagExpert content for you. I run a blog about STANAG 6001 exams in English on
I’m a certified STANAG 6001 level 1, 2 and 3 examiner, and I’ve been teaching for STANAG 6001 exams for over 15 years. I’m also the author of the book dedicated specifically to the Polish STANAG 6001 LEVEL 3 speaking and writing in English entitled “How to Pass STANAG 6001 English Exam. Level 3”.
I show people how to pass STANAG 6001 exams in English.
Apart from being a language teacher and STANAG 6001 examiner, I’m also a coach. I believe that building on your strengths is the most effective way of learning, and that you are the expert in knowing how you learn best.
I believe that, with my guidance, you can become a writing expert and a true StanagExpert.
Małgorzata Mazurek